Lady Health Workers program in Pakistan

By | March 10, 2014


Pakistan’s Lady Health Workers Program

An honest opinion on the program successes and challenges by Peers for progress (A program of the American academy of Family Physicians Foundation).

Supporting Lady Health Workers Program

A report prepared for UNICEF’s next generation. This report highlighted the progress made by Lady Health workers program and UNICEF contribution in helping the program at provincial level.

Country Case Study

A report on LHW program by GHWA Task Force on Scaling Up Education and Training for Health Workers.

The role of social geography on Lady Health Workers’ mobility and effectiveness in Pakistan.

This study discusses the disparities that exist in the reach of LHW to non-tribe/non-caste people in her coverage area. LHW faces same level of limitations which other women of her village and caste faces. As the belong to low socioeconomic background and they are reaching only to accessible population.