R (statistical program) Books for medical professionals

By | January 1, 2022

R is a powerful open source free statistical tool/software  used now extensively in all fields due to its ease of applications/functions and powerful graphic tools. Here we describe different resources of R for medical professions.

R for Dummies

Start with  this book. Written in a simple and concise manner and helpful for people with no prior programming knowledge.

Data Science crash course

Get  $50 value crash course for free when you sign up for email subscription.Learn the basics of data science with step by step guide, data visualization, data manipulation and machine learning with R.


Introduction to visualising spatial data in R

R Cookbook

A 419 pages book covering all important aspects of R.

Using R for Biomedical Statistics

A booklet describing the common statistical tests used in biomedical sciences with examples. Statistical tests include calculating relative risk, odds ratio, testing association between disease and exposure, Mantel-Haenszel test, dose response analysis, calculation of sample size for RCT, calculation of power of RCT and Forest Plot for a Meta-analysis of Several Different Randomised Control Trials.  PDF version also explains on how to install R on your desktop. Functions of R used in this book are calcRelativeRisk(),calcOddsRatio(),chisq.test,fisher.test,cmh.test(),calcTaronesTest(),calcMHRatio(),mcnemar.test(),


A short introduction to R for Epidemiology

A good and basic read for those who are unfamiliar with R functions.

Analysis of epidemiological  data using R and Epicalc

A very good and comprehensive book starting with basic concepts of R and then gradually moving to epidemiological data analysis tools. Written by Epidemiology Unit, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. For medical professionals, R for dummies and this book should be enough to make them specialized in R for their research purposes. Book is in PDF format with 328 pages.


An introduction to data cleaning in R

Applied Epidemiology Using R

A detailed and open source book by Tom ́as J. Aragon of University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health and the San Francisco Department of Public Health.


Statistical Practice in Epidemiology with Computer exercises

This is the course book which was conducted by University of Tartu, Estonia in May 2015. Slides of this book are here. A very helpful and easy to read book. For PPT of this book, click here.


R packages for epidemiological tests

There are different R packages to use to test different  epidemiological tests/function which are

  1. epitools
  2. epiR
  3. fmsb which includes
  1. gsDesign which includes

Advanced survival sample size

Time-to-event sample size calculation

Tutorial on Meta-Analysis in R

A step by step and very detailed guide on how to do the meta analysis in R. You can even do a literature search through R package on
pubmed. It’s a PowerPoint presentation saved in PDF.


A 441 pages book in PDF format by Ken Butler.

How to calculate relative risk in R?

A guide with example on stackoverflow question and answer website. You can also search for many other R related question and answers.
